Tuesday, September 18, 2018

LENIMBRA publication list


[1] Tsvirkun, V.; Sivankutty, S.; VanVincq, V.; Bouwmans, G.; Andresen, E. R.; Rigneault, H., Mechanically unperturbable lensless endoscope, Optica, submitted.
[2] Sivankutty, S.; Tsvirkun, V.; Vanvincq, O.; Bouwmans, G.; Andresen, E. R.; Rigneault, H., Nonlinear imaging through a Fermat's golden spiral multicore fiber. Opt. Lett. 43 (15), 3638–3641 (2018).

[3] Sivankutty, S.; Tsvirkun, V.; Bouwmans, G.; Andresen, E. R.; Oron, D.; Rigneault, H.; Alonso, M. A., Single-shot noninterferometric measurement of the phase transmission matrix in multicore fiber. Opt. Lett. 43 (19), 4493-4496 (2018).

[4] Kogan, D.; Sivankutty, S.; Tsvirkun, V.; Bouwmans, G.; Andresen, E. R.; Rigneault, H.; Oron, D., Phase retrieval in multicore fiber bundles. Opt. Lett. 42 (3), 647–650 (2017).

[5] Tsvirkun, V.; Sivankutty, S.; Bouwmans, G.; Vanvincq, O.; Andresen, E. R.; Rigneault, H., Bending-induced inter-core group delays in multicore fibers. Opt. Express 25 (25), 31863--31875 (2017).
[6] E. R. Andresen, S. Sivankutty, V. Tsvirkun, G. Bouwmans, and H. Rigneault, "Ultrathin endoscopes based on multicore fibers and adaptive optics: a status review and perspectives", J. Biomed. Opt. 21 (12), 121506-121506 (2016).

[7] V. Tsvirkun, S. Sivankutty, G. Bouwmans, O. Katz, E. R. Andresen, and H.Rigneault, "Widefield lensless endoscopy with a multicore fiber", Opt. Lett. 41 (20), 4771-4774 (2016).

[8] S. Sivankutty, V. Tsvirkun, G. Bouwmans, D. Kogan, D. Oron, E. R. Andresen, and H. Rigneault, "Extended field-of-view in a lensless endoscope using an aperiodic multicore fiber", Opt. Lett. 41 (15), 3531-3534 (2016).

[9] S. Sivankutty, E. R. Andresen, G. Bouwmans, T. G. Brown, M. A. Alonso, and H. Rigneault, "Single-shot polarimetry imaging of multicore fiber", Opt. Lett. 41 (9), 2105-2108 (2016).

[10] S. Sivankutty, E. R. Andresen, R. Cossart, G. Bouwmans, S. Monneret, H. Rigneault,"Ultra-thin rigid endoscope: Two-photon imaging through a graded-index multi-mode fiber", Opt. Express 24 (2), 825-841 (2016).

[11] Andresen, E. R.; Sivankutty, S.; Bouwmans, G.; Gallais, L.; Monneret, S.; Rigneault, H., Measurement and compensation of residual group delay in a multi-core fiber for lensless endoscopy. J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 2015, 32 (6), 1221--1228.

Pre-LENIMBRA papers on lensless endoscopes:

[2] E. R. Andresen, G. Bouwmans, S. Monneret, H. Rigneault, "Two-photon lensless endoscope", Opt. Express 21(18), 20713-20721 (2013).

[1]  E. R. Andresen, G. Bouwmans, S. Monneret, H. Rigneault, "Towards endoscopes with no distal optics: video-rate scanning microscopy through a fiber bundle", Opt. Lett. 38(5), 609-611 (2013).

[12] H. Rigneault, E. R. Andresen, “Nonlinear endoscope”, 2015 TSRC: Frontiers and Challenges in Laser‐Based Biological Microscopy, 3-7 août 2015, Telluride USA (CO)

[13] E. R. Andresen, S. Sivankutty, G. Bouwmans, O. Vanvainq, L. Gallais, S. Monneret, H. Rigneault, "Towards two-photon lensless endoscopes: inter-core group delay compensation in a multi-core fiber", Proc. SPIE 9536, Advanced Microscopy Techniques IV; and Neurophotonics II, 953605 (2015).

[14] S. Sivankutty, E. R. Andresen, G. Bouwmans, S. Monneret, H. Rigneault, "Two-photon lensless endoscope by controlling the wave front in a multi-core optical fiber", SPIE Photonics West 2016.

[15] S. Sivankutty, E. R. Andresen, G. Bouwmans, S. Monneret, H. Rigneault, "Ultrathin endoscopes: nonlinear imaging at the tip of a multi-mode fiber", SPIE Photonics West 2016.

[16] Single-Shot Polarimetry Imaging of Multicore Fibers, Miguel A. Alonso, Siddharth Sivankutty, Esben R. Andresen, Géraud Bouwmans, Thomas G. Brown, Hervé Rigneault; Frontiers in Optics, OSA Annual meeting 17-21 Oct 2016 Rochester, USA

[17] S. Sivankutty, D. Kogan, V. Tsvirkun, E. R. Andresen, G. Bouwmans, H. Rigneault, D. Oron, « Improving endoscopic imaging with disordered multi-core fiber bundles », SPIE Photonics West 2017.

[18] V. Tsvirkun, S. Sivankutty, G. Bouwmans, E. R. Andresen, H. Rigneault, « Nonlinear lensless endoscopy – two-photon imaging through optical fibers », Focus on Microscopy (FOM) 2017.

[19] V. Tsvirkun, S. Sivankutty, G. Bouwmans, O. Katz, E. R. Andresen, H. Rigneault, « Pixelation-free widefield imaging through an aperiodic multicore fiber bundle », Focus on Microscopy (FOM) 2017.

[20] S. Sivankutty, V. Tsvirkun, G. Bouwmans, E. R. Andresen, H. Rigneault, « Two-photon lensless endoscopy with multi-core optical fibers », European conference on Biomedical Optics (ECBO) 2017. (invited)

[21] Viktor Tsvirkun, Siddharth Sivankutty, Olivier Vanvincq, Géraud Bouwmans, Rosa Cossart, Esben Ravn Andresen, Hervé Rigneault, «Ultra-Thin Flexible Two-Photon Lensless Endoscopy Using Multicore Optical Fibers», Optics and the Brain 2018, Hollywood, FL, USA, 3–6 April 2018 doi: 10.1364/BRAIN.2018.BF3C.5

[22] Esben R. Andresen, Siddharth Sivankutty, Viktor Tsvirkun, Géraud Bouwmans, H. Rigneault

2photon lensless endoscopy with multicore fibers’ 29 January 2018 Part of SPIE BiOS - Photonics West 2018 – San Francisco

[23] S.Sivankutty , V. Tsvirkun, G. Bouwmans, E. Andresen, H. Rigneault, "Two photon lensless endscopy ", International Conference on BioMedical Photonics, La Grande Motte, France

[24] S. Sivankutty, C. Scotte, V. Tsvirkun, G. Bouwmans, E. Andresen, M. Guillon, M. Alonso, H. Rigneault, "Complementary speckle and phase retrieval in fiber bundles", OIP'21, Florence, Italy.

[25] S. Sivankutty, D. Kogan, V. Tsvirkun, G. Bouwmans, E. Andresen, M. Guillon, M. Alonso, D. Oron, H. Rigneault, "Non-interferometric calibration of the phase transmission matrix in lensless endoscopy", SPIE Photonics West 2019

[26] V. Tsvirkun, S. Sivankutty, G. Bouwmans, E. R. Andresen, H. Rigneault, « Addressing bending sensitivity in multicore fiber lensless endoscopy », SPIE Photonics West 2019.

[27] S. Sivankutty, V. Tsvirkun, G. Bouwmans, E. R. Andresen, H. Rigneault, « Two-photon lensless endoscopy through multicore fiber bundles », SPIE Photonics West 2019.


[28] WO2016097191 (A1).

[29] WO2017174596 (A1).

[30] Patent in preparation.

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