Tsvirkun, V.; Sivankutty, S.; VanVincq, V.; Bouwmans, G.; Andresen,
E. R.; Rigneault, H., Mechanically unperturbable lensless endoscope,
Optica, submitted.
Sivankutty, S.; Tsvirkun, V.; Vanvincq, O.; Bouwmans, G.; Andresen,
E. R.; Rigneault, H., Nonlinear imaging through a Fermat's golden
spiral multicore fiber. Opt.
Lett. 43
(15), 3638–3641 (2018).
Sivankutty, S.; Tsvirkun, V.; Bouwmans, G.; Andresen, E. R.; Oron,
D.; Rigneault, H.; Alonso, M. A., Single-shot noninterferometric
measurement of the phase transmission matrix in multicore fiber. Opt.
Lett. 43
(19), 4493-4496 (2018).
Kogan, D.; Sivankutty, S.; Tsvirkun, V.; Bouwmans, G.; Andresen, E.
R.; Rigneault, H.; Oron, D., Phase retrieval in multicore fiber
bundles. Opt.
Lett. 42
(3), 647–650 (2017).
Tsvirkun, V.; Sivankutty, S.; Bouwmans, G.; Vanvincq, O.; Andresen,
E. R.; Rigneault, H., Bending-induced inter-core group delays in
multicore fibers. Opt.
Express 25
(25), 31863--31875 (2017).
[6] E. R. Andresen, S. Sivankutty, V. Tsvirkun, G. Bouwmans, and H. Rigneault, "Ultrathin endoscopes based on multicore fibers and adaptive optics: a status review and perspectives", J. Biomed. Opt. 21 (12), 121506-121506 (2016).
[7] V. Tsvirkun, S. Sivankutty, G. Bouwmans, O. Katz, E. R. Andresen, and H.Rigneault, "Widefield lensless endoscopy with a multicore fiber", Opt. Lett. 41 (20), 4771-4774 (2016).
[8] S. Sivankutty, V. Tsvirkun, G. Bouwmans, D. Kogan, D. Oron, E. R. Andresen, and H. Rigneault, "Extended field-of-view in a lensless endoscope using an aperiodic multicore fiber", Opt. Lett. 41 (15), 3531-3534 (2016).
[9] S. Sivankutty, E. R. Andresen, G. Bouwmans, T. G. Brown, M. A. Alonso, and H. Rigneault, "Single-shot polarimetry imaging of multicore fiber", Opt. Lett. 41 (9), 2105-2108 (2016).
[10] S. Sivankutty, E. R. Andresen, R. Cossart, G. Bouwmans, S. Monneret, H. Rigneault,"Ultra-thin rigid endoscope: Two-photon imaging through a graded-index multi-mode fiber", Opt. Express 24 (2), 825-841 (2016).
Andresen, E. R.; Sivankutty, S.; Bouwmans, G.; Gallais, L.; Monneret,
S.; Rigneault, H., Measurement and compensation of residual group
delay in a multi-core fiber for lensless endoscopy. J.
Opt. Soc. Am. B 2015,
(6), 1221--1228.
Pre-LENIMBRA papers on lensless endoscopes:
[2] E. R. Andresen, G. Bouwmans, S. Monneret, H. Rigneault, "Two-photon lensless endoscope", Opt. Express 21(18), 20713-20721 (2013).
[1] E. R. Andresen, G. Bouwmans, S. Monneret, H. Rigneault, "Towards endoscopes with no distal optics: video-rate scanning microscopy through a fiber bundle", Opt. Lett. 38(5), 609-611 (2013).
H. Rigneault, E. R. Andresen, “Nonlinear endoscope”, 2015 TSRC:
Frontiers and Challenges in Laser‐Based Biological Microscopy, 3-7
août 2015, Telluride USA (CO)
E. R. Andresen, S. Sivankutty, G. Bouwmans, O. Vanvainq, L. Gallais,
S. Monneret, H. Rigneault, "Towards two-photon lensless
endoscopes: inter-core group delay compensation in a multi-core
fiber", Proc. SPIE 9536, Advanced Microscopy Techniques IV; and
Neurophotonics II, 953605
S. Sivankutty, E. R. Andresen, G. Bouwmans, S. Monneret, H.
Rigneault, "Two-photon lensless endoscope by controlling the
wave front in a multi-core optical fiber", SPIE Photonics West
S. Sivankutty, E. R. Andresen, G. Bouwmans, S. Monneret, H.
Rigneault, "Ultrathin endoscopes: nonlinear imaging at the tip
of a multi-mode fiber", SPIE Photonics West 2016.
Single-Shot Polarimetry Imaging of Multicore Fibers, Miguel A.
Alonso, Siddharth Sivankutty, Esben R. Andresen, Géraud Bouwmans,
Thomas G. Brown, Hervé Rigneault; Frontiers in Optics, OSA Annual
meeting 17-21 Oct 2016 Rochester, USA
S. Sivankutty, D. Kogan, V. Tsvirkun, E. R. Andresen, G. Bouwmans, H.
Rigneault, D. Oron, « Improving endoscopic imaging with
disordered multi-core fiber bundles », SPIE Photonics West
V. Tsvirkun, S. Sivankutty, G. Bouwmans, E. R. Andresen, H.
Rigneault, « Nonlinear lensless endoscopy – two-photon
imaging through optical fibers », Focus on Microscopy (FOM)
V. Tsvirkun, S. Sivankutty, G. Bouwmans, O. Katz, E. R. Andresen, H.
Rigneault, « Pixelation-free widefield imaging through an
aperiodic multicore fiber bundle », Focus on Microscopy (FOM)
S. Sivankutty, V. Tsvirkun, G. Bouwmans, E. R. Andresen, H.
Rigneault, « Two-photon lensless endoscopy with multi-core
optical fibers », European conference on Biomedical Optics
(ECBO) 2017. (invited)
Tsvirkun, Siddharth Sivankutty, Olivier Vanvincq, Géraud Bouwmans,
Rosa Cossart, Esben Ravn Andresen, Hervé Rigneault, «Ultra-Thin
Flexible Two-Photon Lensless Endoscopy Using Multicore Optical
Fibers», Optics and the Brain 2018, Hollywood, FL, USA, 3–6 April
2018 doi: 10.1364/BRAIN.2018.BF3C.5
Esben R. Andresen, Siddharth Sivankutty, Viktor Tsvirkun, Géraud
Bouwmans, H. Rigneault
lensless endoscopy with multicore fibers’ 29 January 2018 Part of
SPIE BiOS - Photonics West 2018 – San Francisco
S.Sivankutty , V. Tsvirkun, G. Bouwmans, E. Andresen, H. Rigneault,
"Two photon lensless endscopy ", International Conference
on BioMedical Photonics, La Grande Motte, France
S. Sivankutty, C. Scotte, V. Tsvirkun, G. Bouwmans, E. Andresen, M.
Guillon, M. Alonso, H. Rigneault, "Complementary speckle and
phase retrieval in fiber bundles", OIP'21, Florence, Italy.
S. Sivankutty, D. Kogan, V. Tsvirkun, G. Bouwmans, E. Andresen, M.
Guillon, M. Alonso, D. Oron, H. Rigneault, "Non-interferometric
calibration of the phase transmission matrix in lensless endoscopy",
SPIE Photonics West 2019
V. Tsvirkun, S. Sivankutty, G. Bouwmans, E. R. Andresen, H.
Rigneault, « Addressing bending sensitivity in multicore fiber
lensless endoscopy », SPIE Photonics West 2019.
S. Sivankutty, V. Tsvirkun, G. Bouwmans, E. R. Andresen, H.
Rigneault, « Two-photon lensless endoscopy through multicore
fiber bundles », SPIE Photonics West 2019.
WO2016097191 (A1).
WO2017174596 (A1).
Patent in preparation.
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